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Flight Instructor Textbook

3,500.00 ฿

31 in stock

SKU: 10001855 Category:


The Jeppesen Flight Instructor Manual uses over 1,000 full-color photos and illustrations to help you turn your passion for flying into your profession. The manual presents complete and concise explanations of training techniques that every pilot seeking a basic flight instructor certificate and/or an instrument or multi-engine instructor rating needs to know. Subjects are often expanded upon through the use of Discovery Insets, which are strategically placed throughout the chapters. POV Insets provide examples, from a flight instructor’s point of view, of how learning and teaching concepts can be applied in real-world training situations. Periodically, human factors principles are presented in Human Element Insets to help you teach your students about how their minds and bodies function in flight. Throughout the manual, concepts that directly relate to FAA test questions are described in FAA Question Insets. To help you review material more effectively, key terms are highlighted throughout the text and listed at the end of each chapter along with a checklist, which summarizes important concepts. Additionally, you can evaluate your understanding of material introduced in a particular section by completing the associated questions at the end of each chapter. Revised in July 2014.


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